The Wise Team’s

Words of Wisdom for 2021


It looks like 2021 doesn’t want to go quietly into history after all, but what did we expect? After the drama filled year 2020 turned into, why would its successor be any different? With this in mind, The Wise Team has created a few mental health tips to get you through this year. 


  1. Limit your consumption of media, including the News, Social Media, Podcasts, etc. Give yourself a literal time limit for consuming these media sources and move on once you’ve reached it. Go back to books, long walks, phone calls with friends – whatever you need to do to keep your mind away from the mindless consumption of Media. 
  2. Stay active! Don’t just sit in front of a screen, television, computer, or phone, and waste away the days. Create a short exercise routine for yourself to do once or twice a day. Go on a walk around the neighborhood and wave “Hi” to passersby. Find ways to stay in motion. We know it’s easy to stay inside, especially in the winter, but it’s important to stay active. Keep up with your favorite activities, like running, cycling, skiing, however you can. You’ll thank yourself for it later.
  3. Start a new hobby. Choose that thing you’ve always questioned or wanted to know more about and start investigating. Buy a paint set and put color on some canvas. Get a notebook and start journaling the ideas for your new book. Buy a mini-grow light and start cultivating those flowers you’ve always wanted. Learn a new skill, or how to fix that issue around the house, or a language! Keep your hands and mind busy this year and you’ll end up feeling extremely rewarded when you look back.
  4. Read! And read some more! Go to the library and pick up a new book or magazine every week. Keep reading; whether it’s to learn or escape, keep the words flying in front of your eyes. You’ll find your mind is sharper and quieter when you’re reading. 
  5. Set a schedule for your days. If you’re stuck at home because of the pandemic, working, living, and entertaining (yourself and/or kids), keep a well honed daily schedule. Give yourself some wiggle room for extra fun should it arise, but keep to your schedule. It’s easy to let the days mesh together, blending into the same monotony despite the everchanging drama live streamed on our televisions and social media outlets. Soon your routine and rhythm will feel rewarding rather than boring.
  6. Create things every day, every week. Cooking, making art, writing letters or poetry or novels, building things, or creating gifts – whatever it is and however long it takes, always keep creating things. The act of making or transforming something into something else is extremely satisfying. It’s a language of love, either to yourself or others. The more exuberance, enthusiasm, and dedication you give whatever you craft, the better it will turn out and the more you’ll get out of the act. Who knows… it might turn into your new hobby! 


Help yourself this year by keeping your mental health in check. If you feel yourself falling into a well of loneliness, despair, or depression, reach out for help. Talk to friends or family, or call local helplines and community resources. 2021 is sure to throw some stressful soundbites at us, along with media imagery and personal commentary to boot. Take all this in stride and move on to what really matters in your life: the things you do, the people you meet, and the world you create every day. 


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