What Makes A Good home?


The Building

A home starts with a good foundation, literally and figuratively. If you’re looking for a new home, or assessing your own property, start by looking at your foundation and the walls. Cracks and patches are first indicators of structural instabilities that might need further investigation. From there, everything is aesthetics. If you like hardwood floors over carpet, larger or smaller windows, open floor plans, and all the varying layout possibilities can help determine whether a home is desirable or not. Knowing what you like about your current living situation, and furthermore – what you don’t like, can set you up to finding or creating your dream home!



Community is important. A good home has good neighbors: people who look out for each other, smile in passing, and get together for community cookouts and parties. Without community we can sometimes feel disconnected from the area in which we live.



Beyond our community is the town. The local populace can definitely make or break a good home. If the local economy is not supporting your needs, whether that be with daily necessities, recreational activities and other accommodations, or safety, then it behooves residents to look at their home and find one that feels good to them. Getting involved with your town can keep you aware of the changing times. Whether your town is growing or shrinking, businesses are doing well, or large influxes of residents are arriving, be aware of the changing climate in your larger community.



The people, pets, and plants you live with can definitely make a good home! Sharing laughter and smiles, working through struggles and tribulations, and experiencing love and appreciation really build a home full of memory. With memory comes the deepest connections we have to a space, a time, and others. So fill your house with life, whether that be plants, animals, or loved ones!



Like we said above: aesthetics is an important part of what makes a good home. How you feel about the decorations within your space really makes or breaks your connection to you. So fill your space with whatever brings your heart joy. Find beautiful paintings and posters, get that lamp that caught your eye so suddenly, and fill your style into your home. This doesn’t have to be done right when you move in. It’s best to take your time and feel out your home slowly with decor.



In today’s economy, it’s important to talk about home valuation as a factor of what makes a good home. Your house is your biggest asset, and on many levels your most important. It provides shelter, warmth, comfort, safety, and a sense of belonging. As you’re shopping for a home, or assessing your current living situation, the value of the property becomes a very important factor. Keeping your eye on local trends for home valuations and on larger market trends is important. Especially if you’re looking to move and purchase a new home.