25 10, 2017

Halloween Parade and Trick or Treat Street


This Saturday, October 28th is Longmont’s annual Halloween Parade and Trick or Treat Street.  Be prepared to come on out in costume and march down Main Street in Longmont to show your creativity and style.  The lineup starts at 9:30 am in front of the St. Vrain Memorial Building, 700 Longs Peak Avenue [...]

Halloween Parade and Trick or Treat Street2021-05-08T15:57:56-06:00
19 10, 2017

Longmont Ice Pavilion


One of the great attractions every winter right here in Longmont is our annual ice pavilion.  There are open skate times available to the public, as well as drop-in hockey hours for youth, teen, and adults.  The Times-Call just announced the projected opening date for the pavilion this year is November 6, weather [...]

Longmont Ice Pavilion2021-05-06T23:27:49-06:00
11 10, 2017

Haunted Houses 2017


Halloween is right around the corner.  If you’re like me, you’ll probably be scrabbling around last minute in the back of the closet, cobbling together something to pass off as a costume.  That’s cool.Dressing up and trick-or-treating door-to-door through Longmont is more of a kids’ thing anyway.  Besides, we have an unspoken [...]

Haunted Houses 20172021-05-08T18:37:51-06:00
6 10, 2017

Time to blow out the sprinklers yet?


The short answer is, Yes. Some folks in Longmont will wait until November to blow out their sprinkler system.  Some will do it, have done it, as early as the end of September.  My philosophy is, why wait until after a freeze (32 degrees and below) happens when you can get it [...]

Time to blow out the sprinklers yet?2021-05-08T18:39:35-06:00
2 10, 2017

Mortgage Market Survey for October 2, 2017


It’s been a while since we checked in and reported back to you on mortgage rates, so here goes: 30 Year Fixed rates are running at 3.83% with 0.6 points, the same rate as the week prior but with points 0.1 higher.  For comparison, one year ago the 30 Year rate was [...]

Mortgage Market Survey for October 2, 20172020-05-26T22:10:30-06:00
27 09, 2017

Please vote for us: Best of Boulder County – East County


Hey Sports Fans, it’s that time of year again when the Boulder Weekly runs the East County version of the Best of Boulder survey asking all their readers to vote for their favorites in all kinds of retail categories.  The survey covers favs like best breakfast restaurant, best appetizers, best marguerites, best [...]

Please vote for us: Best of Boulder County – East County2021-05-08T18:42:13-06:00
10 04, 2016

5 Tips for Buying a Home


Looking to buy a home? Here are five essential tips for making the process as smooth as possible. Get your finances in order. Start by getting a full picture of your credit. Obtain copies of your credit report. Make sure the facts are correct, and fix any problems you find. Next, [...]

5 Tips for Buying a Home2020-05-26T22:16:18-06:00
10 04, 2016

Relocating to the Big City


Moving from a small town or suburb to a large city can be an intimidating proposition. Here are a few tips to help make your move as painless as possible. Research before you move. It’s important to understand the culture you’re joining. Do research online and find out about school systems, [...]

Relocating to the Big City2020-05-26T22:17:56-06:00

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