Where Are People Moving?


You’ve probably heard it on the news, or in conversation with friends, that people are moving out of the cities since the pandemic ended. So we had to look into it and see where people are moving, both in and out of Colorado. What we found was a little surprising.


The primary reason for Coloradoans to move is affordability, according to a recent article. This isn’t what’s surprising. We know Denver’s prices continue to rise and push affordability limits, especially for first-time homebuyers. What is surprising are the cited locations where city dwellers are choosing to move. Weld and Douglas counties ranked the top two counties for new residence. Sure these areas are more affordable, but they also look and feel like the “old” Colorado; the Colorado a lot of people fell in love with around 30 to 40 years ago – what the article calls “cow-country.” Homes in these markets are selling relatively fast, compared to homes in Denver.


But people aren’t just moving around within Colorado. Many locals are moving out of state. Where Colorado used to be one of the top states where people were moving, we now rank the 7th for states people are leaving! The list of states people are leaving includes (in order) California, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Washington, then Colorado, according to Forbes. The article states:


“Once considered a swing state, Colorado’s politics have shifted towards the left in recent years. Conservatives leaving the state for Texas and Arizona are on the move. Overall, 12,145 families left Colorado last year, and politics was just one small factor. The high cost of living and out-of-reach real estate prices continue to drive would-be homebuyers out of the area, while traffic congestion, increasing crime rates and pollution seal the deal for many deciding to leave. “


So where are the majority of people moving? Well, according to the article they’re moving to Texas, Florida, and the Carolinas.


We are still seeing many people moving to Colorado, whether that be for business opportunities, weather, scenery, schools, or for political reasons. Of those moving to our beautiful state, Texas, Florida, California, and Arizona continue to send the vast majority of our transplants, according to Stacker.


So where would you move, if you were to move? Would you stick around in Colorado? Move to a different state? Or even further? I know that we’re happy in Longmont – and will be here for quite a while yet.


If you are moving to Longmont, get in touch with The Wise Team and we’ll start your house hunting journey in the neighborhood.



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