The holidays are upon us. Stores are already pulling out the Christmas decorations. The weather is changing in the Front Range. And your family has started asking about the holiday festivities. If you like hosting during this festive season you may be wondering how the Coronavirus will affect everything, or what extra precautions to take to ensure the comfort and safety of your guests. The Wise Team has some suggestions, because we want you to share these days with family and friends!



Get in touch with your family and friends who you usually invite to the holiday festivities. See what they’re thinking about the upcoming post-COVID holiday season and whether they’re even planning on participating in gatherings. This will help build your invitation list. While you’re talking with everyone, ask what would help them feel more comfortable at your gathering. 



Many people travel for the holidays. Whether it’s from far away or just down the road, it’s good to know if you will be putting people up over night or for an extended period of time. Ask your invitees if they would mind staying at a nearby AirBnB or hotel. Ensure you have enough supplies for your guests and areas for them to safely social distance if they desire. Start planning on how you will seat your guests. Will there be multiple tables in the room so groups can sit together while in the same space? Will you be serving the whole meal or will it be more of a potluck or buffet? Will you provide disposable gloves, cutlery, or drinkware? We’ve heard of gatherings this year giving swag bags with all the Coronavirus essentials for gatherings: personal cups, cutlery, mask, gloves, sanitizer, etc. to help allay guests’ worries. Keep your eye on the weather as well. You may be able to host the holiday outdoors! Further helping to decrease the spread of any ailment. 



As your event draws closer, there are several steps to take to ensure the safety of all your guests. Consider getting a COVID-19 Test a week or two before the holiday. If you feel comfortable asking your friends and family to do the same, do so. During this same timeframe start minimizing your exposure to public places, large groups, and other gatherings to help minimize the chance of getting sick. As the holiday approaches ask your guests to check in with their bubbles, their frequented contacts, and see if anyone has started feeling ill. Remind everyone that if they are feeling sickly in any fashion, it would be best if they skipped out on the holiday event. 



Perhaps you are uncomfortable with hosting the holidays. That’s alright too! Set up a virtual holiday dinner instead. Send out invitations with an easy menu for everyone to prepare. Let them know if there’s a theme to your virtual party and really have fun with it! Encourage everyone to dress up or decorate their viewable spaces and spend the holiday chatting and eating with each other. 


No matter how you end up spending your holidays this year keep in touch with family and friends before, during, and after the season! If you’re hosting a gathering think about all the ways to make sure your guests feel comfortable. Let’s stay wise and keep everyone healthy, even if it’s merely a cold, the flu, or the Coronavirus, we don’t need to be attending festivities if slightly under the weather. Don’t let the 2020 Holidays be ruined by the fears so easily apparent these days. Stay safe. Stay Together. And have a wonderful holiday season!