22 12, 2020

December 2020 Real Estate Market Review


December has arrived, and with it not much change in the real estate market from the previous months. COVID has created a sustained market through the year, despite low inventory. Record sales and record prices continue to dominate the market reports in all areas, even Boulder county where the luxury market [...]

December 2020 Real Estate Market Review2020-12-26T18:48:26-07:00
8 12, 2020

Seasonal Depression Relief


2020 has been rough. With the constant borage of the news and an underlying uncertainty of the future it may be difficult to maintain a certain level of contentment or happiness. Stress, depression, overwhelm, worry and doubt are just some of the many ills affecting us as we move into the [...]

Seasonal Depression Relief2020-12-27T06:31:51-07:00
24 11, 2020

November 2020 Real Estate Market Update


The end of the year draws ever nearer, raising spirits as we hopefully close 2020 on happy notes. Even the real estate market seems to be feeling the positive vibes of closing out this year. Sales are up, prices are up, but inventory still remains low. Not surprisingly, Colorado is still [...]

November 2020 Real Estate Market Update2020-12-27T06:31:29-07:00
20 11, 2020

Relationships and Renovations


Advice For Happier Home Flips We often hear the adage to not date your coworker. When you choose to renovate your home or, thinking smaller, your bathroom or kitchen that choice is moot. Not every relationship is built to withstand the rigor of physical determination or mental thought on a single [...]

Relationships and Renovations2020-11-10T21:05:25-07:00
16 11, 2020

Hosting The Holidays Post-COVID


The holidays are upon us. Stores are already pulling out the Christmas decorations. The weather is changing in the Front Range. And your family has started asking about the holiday festivities. If you like hosting during this festive season you may be wondering how the Coronavirus will affect everything, or what [...]

Hosting The Holidays Post-COVID2020-11-10T21:02:00-07:00
10 11, 2020

October 2020 Real Estate Market Update


Denver real estate is having quite a year, as if this was anything new for 2020. Why should the housing market be any different? Just like almost everything else in our purvey, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what is making these housing numbers, like a shortage of houses across the board [...]

October 2020 Real Estate Market Update2020-11-10T20:52:17-07:00
9 09, 2020



Forbearances have stayed well under the rate experts initially forecasted. Let's connect if you have questions about your options. #wisetipsforwednesday #realestate #thewiseteam #Forbearance #letsconnect #callus https://youtu.be/jechpzrKqzU  

GOOD NEWS!!2020-09-09T18:31:55-06:00
25 08, 2020

Time To Move


Beginning The Process First thing’s first: You have to know when and where you’re moving. Work may be the driving force, having you relocate to fulfill your new job requirements, or perhaps moving closer to family has inspired this transition. No matter the reason, you have to know what’s needed to [...]

Time To Move2020-08-25T22:40:53-06:00

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